Friday, February 27, 2009


so, today is my best friend's birthday. we don't actually talk much anymore. at one point in my life, there was no separating us. he was the only person who could tell what, precisely was going on in my my mind at anytime. kind of sounds corny and clinched, but i would have given my life for him. and so would he have for me. he even almost did it once sitting behind me on the bicycle ride from hell. later recalling that incident, he said "my whole life flashed before my eyes". but that's another story. yet, here i am wondering if i should call him or not. we talk to each other only on our b'days now. should i carry on this stupid ritual year after year, believing we still are friends when we hardly care? i see no point in it.
it's funny how the best of friends split over trifles. me and my friend aren't 'buddies' anymore because he said 7 words that i didn't want to hear. this coming from the guy who always said and did the wrong things and was so readily forgiven. well times change, people change and relationships are meant to be broken. anyways happy b'day, K.

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